2023 Update

I read a while back a (joke?) social message commenting that junior developers will blog like there is no tomorrow whereas senior ones that might have more to say will just skip that part.

I could say that I am more or less at this point in life: many things to write about but no time to actually do it.

Being a developer means keeping up-to-date to stay relevant. This has mainly consisted in jumping head-first into Golang at my job.

In the meantime, the world has largely moved away from Twitter, COVID has yet to recede complete as opposed to sanitary restrictions, war rages on in some parts of the world and post-COVID inflation makes life difficult for most people on Earth.

I am grateful for my close ones and myself as we can consider ourselves the luckier people: we have a roof over our head, food in our plates and health is not a pressing issue.

What about you? Please take care of yourselves.

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Categories: life, dev